Medical Quiz

Topics: Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Quiz

The process of breeding two dissimilar organisms to create a new organism is called _______________

A. selective breeding

B. hybridization

C. genetic engineering

D. inbreeding

Select your answer:


Skin Structure and Growth Vascular Surgery Iron Kinetics Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics Parts of Human Body Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses Dental Caries Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Innate Immunity Science Reproduction Carbohydrates Psychiatry Hematology A&P Musculoskeletal Health Issues and Concerns

Other quiz:

Diseases of The Body Systems › View

What is hypertension?

A. Low blood pressure

B. High blood pressure

C. Low blood sugar

D. High blood sugar

Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System › View

The ____________ is part of the peripheral nervous system and controls our senses.

A. Systemic

B. Autonomic

C. Somatic

D. Autonomous