Medical Quiz

Human Anatomy Study Guide Quiz

Which of the following is the most complex level of organization?

A. cell

B. organ

C. organ system

D. organelle

Select your answer:


Proteins ICU Mental Health Cardiopulmonary Biochemistry of Diabetes Blood Cells SSTI and Bone Infections Principles of Microbiology Cardiology Medications Measles and Hib Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Body Systems Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Musculoskeletal System Macromolecules & Enzymes

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A. lichen

B. mold

C. penicillin

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From a pronated position, which of the following is required for a PA oblique projection of the fourth digit of the hand?

A. Hand should be supinated

B. No rotation is needed

C. 45-degree lateral rotation

D. 45-degree medial rotation