Which suspension system uses an electric or mechanical vacuum pump to hold the prosthesis to the residual limb?
A. Interface with a locking pin
B. Suction (passive)
C. Belts and straps
D. Vacuum (active)
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Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Regulating the Cell Cycle BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Stroke Molecular Genetics Blood and Hematology Pain Pathophysiology Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Human Excretory System Health Systems Name that Pathogen Viruses Biomolecules Dermatology Human Brain Biochemistry VocabularyOther quiz:
Enzymes › ViewWhat is the role of an enzyme in a synthesis reaction?
A. To break down larger molecules into smaller products
B. To join smaller substrate molecules to produce a larger product
C. To increase the temperature of the reaction
D. To act as a substrate in the reaction
Trauma › View
When the body sustains a significant loss of blood, which type of shock is most likely to occur?
A. anaphylactic
B. cardiogenic
C. hemorrhagic
D. septic