Medical Quiz

CRISPR and Sickle-Cell Disease Quiz

What is the potential risk associated with modifying blood stem cells in gene-altering therapies?

A. Increased risk of vaso-occlusive crises

B. Development of blood cancers

C. Ineffective production of fetal haemoglobin

D. Loss of natural DNA-repair mechanisms

Select your answer:


Somatotypes Heterotrophic Nutrition Selective Breeding Macromolecules and Enzymes EMR Pathophysiology Orthopedic Surgeon Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Human Reproduction Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance General Anatomy Environment Circulatory System and Nutrition Diseases of Digestive System Sources Of Food Microbio (Viruses)

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Which medical professional specializes in treating disorders of the blood vessels?

A. Cardiologist

B. Hematologist

C. Vascular surgeon

D. Endocrinologist

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Which of the following organs is/are protected by the rib cage?

A. heart

B. lungs

C. kidneys

D. all of these