Medical Quiz

Cardio and Resp Disorders Quiz

Which condition would be caused by an embolism that blocks a vein in the leg?

A. Storke

B. Heart attack

C. Pulmonary embolism


Select your answer:


Skeletal Tissue Weight Management The Cell Eczema Germs Injuries in Archery Pain Pathophysiology Cell Injury Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Muscular System Nervous & Endocrine Systems Neuroanatomy & Physiology Personal Growth Plan Hematology in Veterinary Medicine Cell and Muscle Histology

Other quiz:

Diseases & Disorders › View

Which term refers to the nature of a disease?

A. Prognosis

B. Diagnosis

C. Etiology

D. Pathology

Tissues of The Body › View

Type of connective tissue found in and around blood vessels and organs.

A. fibrous

B. cartilage

C. tendons

D. loose