Medical Quiz

Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Quiz

Isolated systolic HTN is defined as:

A. Sustained elevation in SBP=/>140 with DBP >90

B. Sustained elevation in SBP=/>160 with DBP <90 C. Sustained elevation in SBP=/>160 with DBP >90

D. Sustained elevation in SBP=/>140 with DBP <90

Select your answer:


Infectious Diseases Blood Pathology Geriatrics Pathophysiology Nutrition and Calorific Value Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Deficiency Diseases Pathophysiology of Injuries and Diseases Physiology Pathology Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Children Well-being Blood Donation Bacterial Growth Surgical & Complementary Terms

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Poisons can build up in the body if organs don’t filter and get rid of them. This makes you sick and you could die. What is another name for poisons?

A. toxins

B. enzymes

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Which of the following is an example of a local manfestation.

A. Fever

B. Redness

C. Lethargy

D. General Body Aches