Why might Tokyo, Japan be considered a safe and stable city?
A. It has high rates of health and high crime rates.
B. It has low crime rates and high rates of health.
C. It has consistently high crime rates.
D. It has the most wealth of any city in the world.
Select your answer:
Linked Gene Hele Skeletal System Cardiovascular System Terminology Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Skin Structure and Growth Pancreatitis Nervous System/Endocrine System Radiation and Health DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Muscle Tissue The Human Body Immunology and Serology Musculoskeletal DiseasesOther quiz:
Human Anatomy Study Guide › ViewWhat is the term used to refer to the front of the body?
A. cranial
B. anterior/ventral
C. posterior/dorsal
D. proximal
Skills for Health › View
When many organ systems work together it can form…
A. organ
B. cells
C. organ system
D. organism