★ Vital Signs Quiz
A slow heart rate of less than a 60 bpm
A. tachycardia
B. bradcardia
C. tachypnea
D. bradypnea
Select your answer:
Respiratory and Urinary Microbio (Viruses) Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Sensory System Key Terms Tissues of The Body Reproduction in Human Beings Anatomy Carbohydrates Diseases & Disorders Stress Physiothearpy in Neurology Vision & Hearing The Musculoskeletal System The BloodOther quiz:
Psychology › ViewThe part of the brain that controls life-sustaining functions, such as heartbeat, breathing, and swallowing, is the:
A. cerebral cortex.
B. cerebellum.
C. medulla.
D. hippocampus.
Auditory and Vestibular Neurology › View
regions in the inner ear that contain macula (hair cells in a gel with otoliths on top)
A. ampulla
B. utricle and saccule
C. simicircular canals