Medical Quiz

Major Internal Organs of the Body Quiz

It contains gastric juices,has layers of muscles that help in breaking down or squeezing proteins and destroying microorganisms in the food you eat.

A. bones

B. muscles

C. stomach

D. liver

Select your answer:


Diseases of Digestive System Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Nutrition in Humans and Animals Macromolecules & Nutrients Understanding Psychology Nervous System Parts of Human Body Skin and Derivatives Balanced Diet Oncology Cartilage Renal & Neural Fad Diets Pulse Renal, Cancer, HIV Pollution

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Which of the following has an intracellular receptor?

A. Insulin

B. Glucagon

C. Coritcosteroid

D. Adrenaline

History of Medicine › View

Royal society and beginning of pharmacies

A. Middle ages

B. Dark ages

C. Renaissance

D. 16th and 17th century