Medical Quiz

Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Dorsal and Ventral refer to the 2 major body cavities



Select your answer:


Vocabulary for Organisms in Ecosystems Organ Systems Cardiovascular Diseases Immunology IBD Anatomy Bones Types of Reproduction PBS Routine Testing Macro and Micro Nutrients Enzymes and Digestion Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Cardiovascular and Respiratory Lifestyle Diseases Ears Physical and Sensory Impairment Infant Nutrition

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The “master gland” is known as the __________________.

A. thyroid gland.

B. adrenal gland.

C. pancreas.

D. pituitary gland.

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What is the 1st step of virus infection?

A. Entry

B. Attachment

C. Replication

D. Assembly