★ Physical Education and Health Quiz
It can lead to plaque in arteries which may also cause the risk of a heart attack.
A. High blood glucose
B. High blood pressure
C. High blood cholesterol
D. Diabetes
Select your answer:
Diversity Heterotrophic Nutrition The Vascular System and Blood Flow Skin Discovery of DNA Shoulder Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Hemodynamics Neurological Disorders Cartilage Muscular System Movements Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Medicine Clinics Biodiversity Conservation Pathogens - Bacteria and VirusesOther quiz:
Who am Eye? › ViewI am the coloured part of the eye
A. Cornea
B. Iris
C. Pupil
D. Optic nerve
Microbial Growth & Nutrition › View
Microbes that grow better without oxygen, but grow slowly when in the presence of oxygen.
A. obligate anaerobe
B. obligate aerobe
C. aerotolerant anaerobes
D. facultative anaerobes