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Therapeutic Services Roots Cancer & Cell Cycle Uses of Radioactive Radiation Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Bones Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease Skeletal System Vocabulary Shoulder Cell Cycle Problems Cancer (Bio II) History of Immunology Radiology Infection Control Digestion Forensic PathologyOther quiz:
Human Body › ViewWhy is the total number of bones of an adult human different from that of a baby?
A. Adult have more bones because more are developed during growth.
B. Adults have lesser bones because some fuse as they mature.
C. Adults have more bones because some split as they mature.
D. Babies have lesser bones because they have smaller bodies.
Iron Kinetics › View
Below are several of the many steps in the process from absorption and transport of iron to incorporation into heme.
Place them in proper order.
i. Transferrin picks up ferric iron.
ii. Iron is transferred to the mitochondria.
iii. DMT1 transports ferrous iron into the enterocyte.
iv. Ferroportin transports iron from enterocyte to plasma.
v. The transferrin receptor transports iron into the cell.
A. iii, ii, iv, i, v
B. v, iv, i, ii, iii
C. ii, i, v, iii, iv
D. iii, iv, i, v, ii