Medical Quiz

Diabetes Quiz

Where in your body can you find glucose?

A. In your pancreas

B. Inside your red blood cells

C. In your bladder

D. In virtually all your cells

Select your answer:


Pulmonology/Respiratory Tracheostomy Care Tissues Renal Cell Vocabulary Lipids Ears Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Body Defense ESR (RBC sed rate) Patho_Genetics Vitals Thrombosis, Emboliya Pancreatitis ADVBIO Genetics

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The structure pointed at by the arrow is …

A. maxillary sinus

B. superior foramina of the nasopalatine canal

C. lateral fossa

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Nortriptyline is Particularly useful in older people who are more likely to experience adverse effects such as confusion and agitation, and postural hypotension due to amitriptyline. State TRUE / FALSE