Medical Quiz

Topics: Macromolecules Quiz

Which are enzymes?

A. simple carbohydrates

B. proteins that speed up chemical reactions

C. lipids that make up the cell membrane

D. a building block of DNA

Select your answer:


Pathophysiology - Inflammation Circulatory and Respiratory System Normal Radiographic Anatomy Endocrine System Disorders Skeletal Pathology Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Oxygenation Clinical Pathology Healthy Foundations Dermatosis Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Pathology Macromolecules and Enzymes Cell Structure and Function Concept

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Your teacher name is:

A. Saif Alsafadi

B. Alsafadi Saif

C. Mohammad Shatnawi

D. Shatnawi Mohammad

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What is the sugar called that is found in a DNA nucleotide?

A. Ribose

B. Glucose

C. Deoxyribose

D. Fructose