Medical Quiz

Human Anatomy Study Guide Quiz

Which on of these represents from smallest to largest in which all organisms are organized?

A. Organism, cell, organ, organ system, tissue

B. Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

C. Cell, organism,organ system, organ, tissue

D. Tissue, organ, organ system, cell, organism

Select your answer:


Musculoskeletal Organ Senses and Locomotor System Cancer (Bio II) Breathing ...Respiration Pathophysiology - Inflammation Latin & Greek in Medicine Blood clotting Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Histology Human Brain Muscoskeletal Injuries Stress and Mental Health Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Digestive System (Gastroenterology) Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins

Other quiz:

Nutrition › View

Lipase digests fats into

A. amino acids

B. fatty acids and glycerol

C. starch

D. glucose

Cell & Bond › View

Sequence of events in glycogenolysis:

A. Phosphorylase, glucan transferase, debranching,phosphorylase

B. Debranching, phosphorylase, transferase, phosphorylase

C. Transferase, phosphorylase, debranching, phosphorylase

D. Any of the above