Medical Quiz

Human Anatomy Study Guide Quiz

Which on of these represents from smallest to largest in which all organisms are organized?

A. Organism, cell, organ, organ system, tissue

B. Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

C. Cell, organism,organ system, organ, tissue

D. Tissue, organ, organ system, cell, organism

Select your answer:


Tissue Repair Pathology Muscles and Healthy Body Lifestyle Diseases Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics Healthcare Careers Viruses Biomolecules Human Anatomy Circulatory & Respiratory System Human Genetics Cardiopulmonary The Skeletal System Biology Assessment Shoulder Proteins Diabetes Pathophysiology

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Open scales (all the way) means the hair is __________

A. porous

B. healthy

C. shiny

D. dead

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Diamond went swimming with friends who did not want to get into the water because it was cold. Diamond jumped in and after a few minutes declared it was cold when she first got in but then her body got used to it. Diamond’s body got accustomed to the water due to

A. her perceptual set.

B. absolute threshold.

C. selective attention.

D. sensory adaptation.