Medical Quiz

Facial & Dental Injuries Quiz

What is a concussion?

A. All of these

B. A violent shaking of the brain inside the skull as a result of direct blow

C. Neurological damage causing impairment to consciousness, memory, balance, concentration, or personality

D. A traumatic brain injury; occasionally life-threatening

Select your answer:


Musculoskeletal LE Diabetes Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Patient-Centered Endocrinology Renal and Gastrointestinal System Diseases of The Body Systems Physiology Skeleton Bacteria & Disease Cardiovascular System Cardiorespiratory System Respiratory Diseases Burns and Skin Cancer Cells

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Appreciating & caring for the outdoors

A. Social

B. Environmental

C. Intellectual

D. Physical

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Which food is not high in Calcium ?

A. Cheese

B. Apple

C. Tofu

D. Dried Figs