Medical Quiz

Biology Assessment Quiz

What is osmosis?

A. The movement of water through a membrane from a low to a high solute concentration

B. The movement of solutes through a membrane from a high to a low water concentration

C. The movement of water through a membrane from a high to a low solute concentration

D. The movement of solutes through a membrane from a low to a high water concentration

Select your answer:


Skin Structure and Growth Components of Blood The Blood Muscle Tissues Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology The Inflammatory Response Embryology Skeletal System Nucleic Acids Anatomy Division of Microbiology Nutrition & Wellness

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The structural difference between lymphatic capillary and blood capillary:

A. Lymph capillary is blind-ended

B. Lymph capillary is continous

C. Lymph capillary is thicker

D. Lymph capillary is green in color

Joints & Movement › View

This type of joint between the proximal phalange and metacarpal bones (NOT including the thumb) allows for limited circumduction, but no rotation.

A. pivot

B. condyloid

C. ball and socket

D. saddle