Topics: Cellular Components Quiz
Which of the following is a correct match?
A. Organelle : Microfilament
Function : Tracks for intercellular movement of organelles
B. Organelle :Microtubule
Function : Component of muscle myofibril
C. Organelle : Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Function : Site of lipid synthesis
D.Organelle : Centrioles
Function : Organisers of spindle fibres
Select your answer:
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A. the size a cell can reach before dividing
B. a cell dividing about 50 times before it goes into apoptosis
C. telomeres lengthening with each cell division
D. None of the choices
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Which is considered an elevated temperature?
A. Aural 37.2 C
B. Axillary 38.4 C
C. Oral 37 C
D. Rectal 37.8 C