Medical Quiz

Eco Factors & Bacteria Quiz

Strong outer layer that protects the bacterial cell from infection by viruses and attack from immune cells.

A. Pilli

B. Cell wall

C. Capsule

D. Flagella

Select your answer:


Anatomy and Histology of Stomach Dermis Healthcare Systems and Settings Measles and Hib Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Division of Microbiology Benefits of Physical Activity DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Normal Radiographic Anatomy Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Food for Thought Nervous / Sensory System Health and The Environment Respiratory System Med Term

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Food › View

Which one is Protective Foods

A. Vitamins and Minerals

B. Proteins

C. Carbohydrates

D. Fats

Physical Education and Health › View

It refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert against an opposing force.

A. Cardiovascular Endurance

B. Muscular Endurance

C. Muscular Strength

D. Flexibility