Medical Quiz

Topics: Macromolecules and Enzymes Quiz

What is true about an enzyme?

A. There are only 10 enzymes in the world.

B. Life is possible without enzymes.

C. Enzymes slow down chemical reactions.

D. There are millions of enzymes and perform specific reactions.

Select your answer:


Injury Heart Structure and Double Circulation PHE Healthy Lifestyle Health Care Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes Eye or Nose Injuries Protozoan Diseases DNA Replication Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Healthcare Careers Glucose in the Body Multicellular Organisms Muscles and Movements Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions

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Blood leaks into an affected muscle compartment ->

A. Then drains out through another compartment

B. Rise in interstitial compartment pressure

C. Lymph fluid flows OUT of the affected compartment

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Which of the following diseases causes demyelination of the neuron?

A. Multiple Sclerosis

B. Polio

C. Encephalitis

D. Shingles