Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz


What is the significance of the clear areas around the disks on the agar plate?

A. They are caused by condensation

B. They demonstrate the effectiveness of the substances

C. They show where the agar is damaged

D. They indicate the presence of bacteria

When would Koch’s postulates be utilized?

A. to determine the cause of a new disease in a microbiology research lab

B. to formulate a vaccine against a new pathogen in a genetic engineering lab

C. to develop a new antibiotic in a pharmaceutical lab

D. whenever the scientific method cannot be used to investigate a microbiological problem

All cells —–

A. come from other dead cells

B. come from other living cells

C. crystallize out of the air

Plasma cells

A. are derived from T lymphocytes.

B. function in cell-mediated immunity.

C. function in blood clotting.

D. produce and secrete antibodies.

T/F: Human B lymphocytes mature in an intestinal region called the bursa.



All of the following pertain to interferon except

A. it includes alpha, beta, and gamma types.

B. it is produced by certain white blood cells and tissue cells.

C. it inhibits viruses, tumors, and cancer gene expression

D. it increases capillary permeability and vasodilation.

How many rings do purine bases have?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

The granules of eosinophils contain ______.

A. histamine

B. antigens

C. serotonin

D. peroxidase

Pathogenic microbes that cause disease in healthy people are called ______.

A. indigenous biota

B. micropathogens

C. normal biota

D. true pathogens

E. opportunistic pathogens

Which action would most quickly reduce the spread of an infectious disease?

A. isolating all carriers

B. improving sanitary conditions

C. restricting population growth of the vector

D. increasing the population density of humans in the area.

Edward Jenner’s work involved

A. immunization using a related, less pathogenic organism to give protection against a more pathogenic one.

B. development of an immunization to protect people against cowpox.

C. inoculation of dried pus from smallpox pustules into a person to stimulate immunity.

D. development of passive immunotherapy.

What is the term used to describe the sequence of nucleotides in a DNA strand?

A. Amino sequence

B. Base sequence

C. Sugar sequence

D. Phosphate sequence

T/F: During graft rejection, cytotoxic T cells of the recipient recognize and respond to foreign class I MHC receptors on the grafted cells.



Human blood types involve all of the following except

A. MHC genes.

B. ABO antigen markers.

C. genetically determined glycoprotein markers.

D. genes that code for an enzyme that adds a terminal carbohydrate to RBC receptors.

If an individual has a genetic disorder whereby they lack the ability to make complement protein C3, the likely consequence is

A. a higher incidence of bacterial and viral infections.

B. enhanced inflammation.

C. an inability to synthesize antibodies.

D. excessive fever development.

Your patient has a rash, a fever, and a very high white blood cell count. Blood specimens are taken, put into culture bottles, and sent down to the microbiology lab for incubation and analysis. Select the statement that best reflects why microbial analysis of blood is an important step in patient diagnosis.

A. A few bacterial cells in a blood sample are no big deal and should be ignored.

B. Blood specimens are often obtained through poor aseptic technique by the healthcare worker: this is documentation of their failure to employ proper universal precautions.

C. Microbial growth in blood samples may indicate sepsis.

D. A lack of microbes in the blood means that the patient’s health is critical.

The least numerous of all white blood cells that release histamine during inflammation and allergic reactions are ______.

A. neutrophils

B. basophils

C. lymphocytes

D. monocytes

MHC molecules are found on all of the following cells except ______.

A. islet of Langerhans cells

B. epithelial cells

C. eosinophils

D. red blood cells

According to Chargaff’s rules, which of the following is a correct pair of complementary base pairs in DNA?

A. Adenine (A) and thymine (T)

B. Adenine (A) and adenine (A)

C. Thymine (T) and guanine (G)

D. Cytosine (C) and thymine (T)

What is the unique characteristic of Acetogens among bacteria?

A. Produce acetate

B. Spore formers

C. Gram positive rods

D. Autotrophic

Many men make antibodies to sperm, resulting in destruction of sperm to the point of sterility. What would be the likely origin of this autoimmune disease?

A. T helper cells erroneously identify sperm cells as foreign invaders, triggering the T cytotoxic cells to start killing sperm

B. These antibodies are produced as a result of mutations in T lymphocytes, causing them to make large amounts of antibody.

C. Since sperm are not made until after puberty, the immune system cannot scan the antigens on the sperm for immune tolerance. After sperm are made and the immune system sees them, they are recognized as foreign.

D. Antigens on sperm cells are similar to antigens on a variety of bacteria like Streptococcus. After a strep throat caused by Streptococcus, the immune system produces antibodies to streptococcal antigens, which then cross react with sperm antigens and destroy them.

A patient enters your clinic with a suspected helminthic infection. In support of this diagnosis, you suspect elevated levels of which antibody in the patient’s serum?

A. IgD

B. IgA

C. IgE

D. IgM

Destruction of lymphocytes with self-specificity is called ______.

A. hypersensititivity

B. proliferation

C. clonal selection

D. clonal deletion

Your 81-year old grandfather has been diagnosed with cancer of the thymus. The doctor is urging surgical removal of the cancer, but you and the family are worried about the consequences of removing an entire organ such as the thymus. Which statement is correct?

A. There is nothing to worry about; thymus removal will not affect your grandfather’s immune status at his age.

B. Your grandfather would not have sufficient phagocytic cells and would not be able to contain bacterial infections.

C. Your grandfather would not be able to produce complement proteins necessary for pathogen control and inflammation.

D. Your grandfather will have a loss of T lymphocytes and will have an immune deficiency.

Immune system cells differentiate between self and foreign cells by their ______.

A. Markers

B. Cell Walls

C. Cell Processes

D. Shapes and sizes


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