Medical Quiz

Disorders of The Joints Quiz

What is the surgery treatment for olecranon bursitis?

A. R.I.C.E

B. Taking medication

C. Bursectomy

Select your answer:


The Energy Nutrients Advanced Stretching SM2 BMI (Body Mass Index) Medicinal use of Microorganisims Sexual Reproduction Levels of Organization Ankle Injuries Musculoskeletal Major Organs Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular Gaseous Exchange in Humans Division of Microbiology Inheritance PHE Healthy Lifestyle Health Systems

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Write the vitamin which is connected with the deficiency disease.


A. Vitamin K

B. Vitamin E

C. Vitamin B

D. Vitamin D

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which number contrasting characters has been takenby Mendel in his studies

A. five

B. seven

C. four

D. eight