Medical Quiz

Microbio (Viruses) Quiz

Inhibition of the interaction between HIV gp120 and host T cell CD4 would…

A. Prevent viral attachment to T helper cells

B. Allow attachment, but prevent replication

C. Allow replication, but prevent budding

D. Allow budding, but virions would be noninfectious

Select your answer:


AEMT EMS Systems DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Healthy Foundations Philosophy Connective Tissue Circulatory System - Pathway of Blood Chemistry 3M Micropara Health and Diseases Mechanical Digestion Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Breath Heredity and Living Cells Inflammation and Tissue Repair Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal System › View

What is bone marrow?

A. jelly like material where blood cells are made

B. the connection between bones that allow them to move

C. the smooth, hard, white later of the bone

D. the part of the bone that alerts the brain when it’s hurt

Hemodynamics › View

A client with malignant hypertension is at risk for a hypertensive crisis, including the cerebral vascular system often causing cerebral edema. As the nurse carding for this patient, what are the signs and symptoms you would assess for?

A. papilledema and lethargy

B. headache and confusion

C. restlessness and nervousness

D. stupor and hyperreflexia