Medical Quiz

Hospitality Quiz

How many portions of fruit and vegetables should we eat?

A. 5 a week

B. 5 a day

C. 10 a day

D. 2 a day

Select your answer:


Vision & Hearing History of Immunology Circulatory and Lymphatic System Cells & Body Systems Consciousness and Sleep Nervous System Functioning Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Stroke Nail The Cell Cycle & Cancer Cell Cycle Problems Circulatory & Lymphatic Economic importance of Bacteria MEDICINE Types of Reproduction

Other quiz:

Biology › View

Bilharzia worms belongs to the …..

A. saprophtes

B. carnivoores

C. parasites

D. autotrophs

Blood Donation › View

What percentage of people will need a blood transfusion in their lifetime?

A. 5% (1 in 20)

B. 10% (1 in 10)

C. 25% (1 in 4)